Shelly Korves
Job description:
- Oversees a sewer operation with 100 miles of sewer lines, 13 lift stations, and one sewer treatment plant.
- Oversees the billing and collections for 6,000 sewer accounts.
- Oversees office operations.
- Oversees the maintenance of two parks and two tennis courts.
- Oversees the general assistance program.
- Serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
- Serves as the treasurer for Township and Road District funds.
- Manages seven full time employees.
- Prepares annual budget.
- Prepares annual tax levy.
- Reviews and approves bills
- Reviews and approves sewer billing adjustments.
- Investigates sewer backups and coordinates insurance claims.
- Prepares Board of Trustee meeting agendas and information packets.
- Negotiates contracts and agreements.
- Oversees capital improvement projects.
- Meets with employees, citizens, attorneys, engineers, insurance agents, and service providers on various topics.
- Makes sure the Township is in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.
- Writes and manages grants for sewer and park projects.
- Serves as the Freedom of Information Act Officer.